If you’re wondering what cyber security courses are about, this is a specialized group of training in the IT area. There are many different forms of courses on this topic, with participants also having varying motivations. That’s why you must conduct proper research to select the right course that can significantly accelerate your career.
It all starts with understanding your motivation and defining a specialization, as well as ensuring that you have a strong foundation for career development. But there are other criteria you must look into as well. We’ll tackle the factors to consider when selecting the most suitable cyber security course for you below.
1. Type of Cybersecurity Program
There are various selection criteria and choosing one should be made based on your individual preferences. The courses in the cybersecurity field can be a set of videos on given topics, though it can also take the form of eLearning, where various forms of knowledge presentation are used. Such courses also have the benefit that participants can complete materials prepared by instructors at a preferred time and pace.
However, if you want a greater dose of knowledge and interaction with the trainer and other students, there are also Bootcamp courses. This is where you will participate in a series of lectures with a trainer, either live or online.
2. How Much Practice and Theory
Another crucial aspect is determining the necessary proportion of practical and theoretical knowledge you can acquire from the course. Some courses, particularly basic and introductory ones, are more focused on theoretical knowledge.
As the courses become more advanced, the practical aspect is more emphasized. The most advanced program would focus on the practice and improvement of participants’ expertise as they face challenges from real cases. The practical aspect is usually known as laboratories, which are carried out using the participant’s computer.
3. Advancement Level
The advancement level of the program you choose is an obvious parameter you must look into. You wouldn’t want to join a course that isn’t suited to your level, as it can be very frustrating and sometimes overwhelming.
You can check this by analyzing the syllabus of the given program, as well as learn about the initial requirements and previous student reviews before you commit to the program.
4. The Overall Price
Of course, an important aspect is the price you have to pay for the course itself. Some courses can go as high as $7,000, excluding additional costs like accommodation and traveling to the program center. However, there are cheaper options, such as e-Learning platforms.
Moreover, you must choose the payment model of the program. Will you want to go for a one-time fee or a monthly subscription? The monthly subscription approach means that the cost will be spread over time and you get a huge knowledge base and laboratories instantly. This will all depend on your overall budget.
Wrapping It Up
Think of these factors as you select the best cybersecurity course for you to set yourself up for success.